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The following resources are provided to help you find sex addiction support groups, 12 step meetings for sex addiction, support groups for partners of sex addicts, and porn filters.

12-Step Addiction Groups

12-Step sexual recovery group meetings exist in most major metropolitan areas. Below is a brief description and contact information for each. Attendance at these groups is free — small donations are encouraged. The group meetings can be a unique and invaluable way to gather information, hope and understanding.

SAA – Sexual Addicts Anonymous  Sex Addicts Anonymous is a Twelve Step group comprised of men and women working together to overcome their sexual addiction.

SCA – Sexual Compulsives Anonymous  Mostly urban 12-Step program, primarily for sexual addicts. Scattered meetings have female attendance.

SLAA – Sex and Love Addicts  Anonymous this offers great online support and education as well National 12-Step program for sexual addicts and those with patterns of unhealthy romantic relationships. Greater female attendance, some “women only” meetings.

S-Anon  National 12-Step program for spouses of sexual addicts and partners of sexual offenders. Primarily married women in attendance.

COSA  12-Step program for partners and significant others of sexual addicts and sexual offenders. Both men and women in attendance.

RCA – Recovering Couples Anonymous  National 12-Step program focused on the recovery issues of the couple itself. Both partners (addict and co-addict) are encouraged to attend. All committed couples are welcome.

Porn Addicts Anonymous

Courageous Love: A Couples Guide to Conquering Betrayal By. Stephanie Carnes

Getting Help : Help for  Partners of Sex addicts

Questions: Am I a sex addict?

Web Filters and Porn Blocking Software